Get the job done with Dulux Accredited Painter
All Dulux Accredited Painters are use premium quality Dulux products. Our Dulux Accredited Painters are carefully selected by Dulux so you can feel confident that you are selecting a skilled, reliable and experienced trade person and can offer a five-year Workmanship Warranty* on request.
Why you should choose a Dulux Accredited Painter
Feel confident that you are selecting a skilled and experienced trade person. From Dulux painters you can expect honest, reliable and respectful service.
Recommendations are located in or close to your area.
Puts you in complete control. You decide which painters you contact and the project information you share.
All painters use premium quality Dulux products.
Bring your project to life with a Dulux Accredited Painter
With a wide selection of licensed and insured painters across Australia, we can help you quickly find a painter to suit your needs. All painters are licensced and insured, as verified by EBIX trades monitor so you can have peace of mind knowing that the job is completed by a skilled and experienced trade person.
A Dulux Painter will help you bring your painting project to life. They will provide expert advice on the right products to suit your home. Whether you're painting the interior of the home, or transforming your facade, we're here to help.

Complete peace of mind with a five-year warranty
Dulux Accredited Painters can provide you with their own five-year workmanship warranty. The Warranty guarantees that the coating system applied will not peel, flake or blister for a period of five years as a result of faulty surface preparation or application of the coating system, subject to the conditions laid out in the warranty document. The benefits of the warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies under any applicable law.

Get the job done right, with a Dulux Accredited Painter
Dulux Accredited Painters are professional painters who fulfill strict professional criteria. The program aims to recognise painters in the industry who demonstrate high levels of workmanship and pride themselves on their professionalism, customer service and reliability. These painters are recognised as leaders in the painting industry.
When you select a Dulux Accredited painter, you are selscting a painter that has been carefully selected by Dulux for their experience. Their quality of workmanship has been assessed and they take extra pride in every job.

Explore our trusted network of paint professionals
Our local Help and Advice team is available to assist with colour, product and service questions. Our call centre is open 6 days a week on 13 25 25 and live chat is available 7 days a week.
Ask an expert. Use LiveChat to speak to one of our consultants for help about colour, products, projects and more.
Fill out our enquiry form and our expert Help & Advice team will get back to you about your request.
This workmanship warranty is given by your painter. For workmanship warranty claims, please contact your painter directly. Whilst Dulux Accredited Painters are required to meet guidelines and program standards, Dulux is not responsible for the workmanship provided by painters.